Serial entrepreneur and the founder of the Conector accelerator, Carlos Blanco, this week launched a new venture builder called Nuclio.
Venture builders are still pretty rare in Spain, and Nuclio is the second one in Barcelona and the fourth in Spain.
Some venture builders dont use the ideas of external entrepreneurs, but Nuclio is open to anyone with a great idea, according to themselves.
Nuclio will analyse existing business ideas validated in other markets and apply these through their program.
No worries for the entrpreneur
After Nuclio detects an idea worth their time and money, they put together a team, grow them, and give the startup an investment between €50.000 – 150.000 if they reach a MVP.
They also give the team help with financial, PR and commercial management.
“The only thing the team needs to worry about is developing the startup“, Nuclio explains.

Venture builder Nuclio is launching in Spain
After selling his company Akamon in November 2015 for €25 million, Blanco is now closing his Itnet group to focus on his new project, and says that Nuclio now will be his main personal focus.
His latest startup called Scanloteria, together with co-founder Alfonso Mérida, is already included in Nuclio.
Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia
There’s nothing wrong with a bit of ambition, and Nuclio already has a goal of positioning themselves as the leader in building startups in Spain.
Therefore they will establish offices in both Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.
In Barcelona they’ll have an office in the new gigantic tech hub being built, called Barcelona Tech Factory, a suiting name for a venture builders officespace. So both Nuclio and Antai, Barcelona’s other venture builder will have offices in the building.
Nuclio Weekends
The venture builder also have plans for a twice-a-year event called Nuclio Weekend, very much alike Startup Weekend.
The goal is to gather a group of entrepreneurs with an idea, and work intensively for three days until one or more winners are chosen to enter the Nuclio program and have their idea funded.
- Dont forget to read: The 2016 Mobile World Congress Parties and Events Guide
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