If you’re anything like me, you want to work out, you want to be in shape, but you aren’t quite out of shape enough to convince yourself you need major lifestyle changes. After all, that bag of chips is right next to you, but the gym is so very far.
People like us inspired Barcelona local Pablo Villalba’s mobile app, 8fit, which just raised $200,000 in seed funding from Vitamina K, a Spanish seed capital fund. As the founder of Teambox, now known as Redbooth, a multimillion dollar company, Villalba is no stranger to the startup world and how to succeed within it.
Taglined as “fitness for the rest of us,” 8fit helps each user create a fitness plan based on how much he or she would like to work out, eat, cheat and grab a cookie, etc… This app allows itself to be different from the dozens of other fitness apps by being aimed towards long-term fitness goals, not just a crash diet.
Upon downloading the app, the user will be asked questions about current body weight, fat percentage, and then ultimate ending goals. Within the app, there are fat burning workouts, weight loss nutrition ideas, motivational strategies, and performance tracking. Also throughout the app are helpful tips and facts designed to let you know how different substances can affect your body as well as an in-app “coach” who will respond within a few hours to any fitness questions you may ask. Although the app and many of its features are free, the app itself is freemium, so more dedicated users can pay for advanced features such as meal plans, a personalized coach, and customized workouts.
For those using general workout tools, a typical day in the app works like this. Pick your workout level, select some of the suggested exercises, actually DO them, and then input your activities into the app. After choosing from programs from metabolic endurance to time intervals and “sports” ranging from horseback riding to sexual activity (yeah, that’s an in-app selection of cardio for the day; this app is seriously made for the everyman) you can use the weight tracker to determine how much progress you have made.
With in-app tutorials on each exercise, there is no excuse not to get up and get moving. This app condones only working out for short portions of the day. Just give it 15 minutes.
Lastly, if you are curious, the 3-man team currently based in Berlin even provided the exact pitch decks they used to secure their seed funding. Be sure to follow the 8fit blog for more tips about health and nutrition.
Photos from Shutterstock
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