Joan Izquierdo, co-founder of Tweet-Tag, is a regular on the Barcelona circuit of startup events where apart from taking advantage of the free Estrella on hand, he spends a lot of time meeting people. Not so surprisingly, he began to notice how much time people spent not meeting each other, but instead, staring head down tweeting about what was going on.
Seeing how much time people spent glued to their screens, he saw the opportunity to develop a tool to recover all those tweets to be able to draw conclusions about hot topics. “As a programmer I started to investigate the use of the Twiter’s APIs to see how to get that information through its platform. I then created the first version of Tweet-Tag, which initially only recovered recent tweets that had just passed”, says Joan.
Shortly after meeting Francesc Gómez (@francescgo – Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer in @Itnig), Joan saw the possibility to retrieve tweets in real time so with help from other co-founder Jordi Bofill from UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), they began working on what is now Tweet-Tag, an online tool that monitors Twitter’s hashtags showing its evolution, statistics and impact in real time. One of the main features offered is a user-friendly interface which brings data to the user with little technical knowledge. It works as an effective service to measure the results of a hashtag in a campaign promoting a product or to extract a report of how a certain event went.
Currently, Tweet-Tag has over 16,000 users from countries around the world such as Spain, Egypt, Mexico, United States, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Chile, Brazil. Morocco, Germany, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. And to date they have analyzed more than 50 million tweets.
If you are running a campaign and want to measure the performance of a specific hashtag or are just interested to see what hashtags are doing , you can try out their platform here.
Photo credits
Twitter drawing via Shutterstock
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