Whenever possible we want to introduce our readers to the local movers and shakers of the Barcelona startup scene. These are ones making it happen on a daily basis and leading by example with innovative projects that will disrupt the status quo and alter our perception of business as usual. Stewart Masters of Kviar Groupe is one such entrepreneur in Barcelona and he is hard at work getting the rest of us first class tickets to the hottest restaurants in town with a unique spin on the fine dining experience. Without further ado, he’d like to introduce himself:
5.5 reasons I’m writing (and you are reading) this post
Good day to you all! So let’s get right to the point. Why should you waste your time reading what I have to say and more importantly why am I writing it? I’m sure you are already drowning in a churned out pile of content so why add more on top of the rest?
Hi Steward, wanted to follow you but apparently Twitter has blocked your account, you should check it out. See you around and congrats for your great company, Kviar rocks!
Hey Guillermo,
Finally I have my account unblocked (for now). My tweets must just be too cool. Lets catch up sometime soon. Un abrazo.