On a windy and rainy Wednesday night, 55 Barcelona entrepreneurs gathered at the Dango Lounge to hear Robin Wauters, European Editor of The Next Web, share insider knowledge on how to get the press to cover your startup. However, Robin had another idea in mind. Instead, he chose to attack the topic from another angle: "How to piss off journalists and have them never write … [Read more...]
4 Meetup Events This Week For Barcelona Entrepreneurs
This post has been adopted from the Barcelona Internet Startup Meetup group newsletter about this week's events and activity in the Barcelona startup ecosystem. Barcelona Internet Startups was founded in January 2011 and is now one of the fastest growing startup communities in Spain. The purpose of this group is to bring together members of the local and international community … [Read more...]
5 Tips On Storytelling From Your Favorite Disney Movies
Remember when you were a child, watching Disney classics like the Fox and the Hound, Toy Story, or Beauty and Beast? You were soaked into their story, a passenger on their adventures, and utterly absorbed their message. Storytelling is a powerful tool to inspire, motivate, or even influence people into action. Why? Because you feel safe and are open to listen and hear … [Read more...]
Last Chance To Apply For SeedRocket E-Campus IX
SeedRocket’s most important event of the year is less than 4 weeks away and entrepreneurs who want to be considered for the investment strategy crash course only have 3 days left to apply. The SeedRocket Campus has evolved over the years and has now partnered with Bertelsmann to offer seed round investments of up to €150k to the most promising Spanish startups in the ICT … [Read more...]
Co-Working in Barcelona: Flexible Like You
The way we do business is constantly evolving to be able to compete and offer new products, services and experiences to our customers. But not only the way we do business, also the way we work. Physically. Going to one office building, day in- day out, with a 9am to 5pm mentality no longer belongs to the 21st century. We want to work on the spot, when we have inspiration or … [Read more...]
Spanish Startups Left Money On The Table In 2012
Last Friday, Webcapitalriesgo.com released their annual report highlighting the details of venture capital activity in Spain. In total, all of Spain’s 2012 venture capital investment amounted to €230.6 million dispersed over 1,063 transactions. These figures represent a decrease of 18% in total investment and an 8% fall from the number of deals recorded in 2011. It’s … [Read more...]
Barcelona Time Banks Fuel Economic Growth
With the crisis, shrinking salaries, and high unemployment rate, people are searching for new systems to enrich their lives. The Time Bank, an alternative monetary system, is a great platform to start creating value and, even better, actively share your knowledge, expertise and capabilities. It fosters community and economic growth and stimulates caring and social connections, … [Read more...]
5 Tips To Avoid The Series A Crunch In Europe
For the last few months, a reappearing storyline has been flashing on the front pages of our beloved tech blogs. All the usual suspects, TechCrunch, The Next Web, Forbes, Inc, and others have published articles about the possibility of a startup bubble about to burst. Some groups, CrunchBase I’m looking at you, are even seeking to capitalize on the Series A gap by selling … [Read more...]
Never Alone Is Building Barcelona ‘Happy Startups Factory’
Something is rumbling on Vilamarí and Gran Via. It’s 11:30am and as I approach the frosted glass doors, I hear shouting, laughter and the Soca Boys ‘Follow the Leader blasting from within. My first visit to Never Alone, a new spin on a startup accelerator, is not going to be my typical morning meeting. Now before you roll your eyes and sigh, “Seriously, please don’t tell … [Read more...]
Language Startup Busuu Is Exploding & Why Spain Missed Out
Busuu, the London-based startup, is making a run to become the largest online language learning software in the world. With the community approaching 30 million users in over 200 countries and adding nearly 45.000 new members per day, Busuu is reaching dizzying heights. But from where I stand, I can't help thinking that this is a missed opportunity for a much-needed Spanish … [Read more...]