For decades, even centuries, many female health problems have been accepted as “the norm”. Things that happen naturally to a woman’s body after giving birth to one or more children, or simply as she grows older: urinary incontinence, the potential long term damages of undergoing an episiotomy, difficulties during labour and flaccidity are just some of them. Moreover, most women don’t feel like they had the necessary information or resources to confront and eventually correct these very fixable health issues.
If you talk to women in private, you will learn that some of these issues are very common. For instance, depending on the age range, urinary incontinence has a prevalence of between 20-50% among the female population(1). However common, these problems have always been treated as a taboo, as well as their effect on the daily lives of women, their sexual relations and their emotional well-being.
Jump forward to present day, the era of Information Technology, a connected world, where almost anyone can access information thanks to the Internet. Nevertheless, there is still an astounding lack of information about pelvic health, its importance, how to avoid potential issues and the different methods to properly treat them when they arise.
On the 28th of May, just as the world celebrated the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, Bwom launched its practical app, whose goal is to help women take control of their pelvic health by offering them personalized and easy-to-do training plans, as well as to empower them by offering quality information and counselling on pelvic health issues. This project is a project for women, that is not only founded and lead by women, but it is also funded exclusively by women.
The Bwom system is based on 3 pillars: evaluation, training and follow up and it provides a simple, yet efficient tool that will help women integrate 10 minute training routines into their lives as it best fits them. This way they can take control of their pelvic health and avoid potential or improve existing discomforts or conditions. This is particularly important during special moments, such as during pregnancy, post labour, menopause and in advanced age. Its mission is to raise awareness about these issues and to provide women with professional guidance and information about prevention, treatment and pelvic training, as well as motivation and emotional support. Depending on the specific situation of each woman, training routines designed to improve pelvic health can include different combinations of activities such as Kegel or hypopressive exercises. These exercises are meant to be simple, yet highly effective and, above all, they should not present a burden. Bwom has been created, as Veronica Torras, CEO and Co-founder says, “keeping in mind that women already have enough obligations and responsibilities. Therefore, developing an easy-to-follow and practical tool was paramount.”
Pelvic floor-related problems also have a considerable impact on women’s confidence and daily lives. Actually, in a clinical study of 131 women reported by the AMS, more than 40% stated that urinary incontinence affected their work or other activities(2), thus causing a great deal of emotional stress and insecurities. In order to address this, bwom also aims at creating a community where women can share their experiences, feel understood and support each other.
If you want to learn more about women’s health, pelvic-related issues or want to take the evaluation test and see how you can maintain or train and improve your pelvic area, visit and download the app. You can also contact the team anytime!
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Great article and this seems like an amazing app! Certainly helps with common problems that don’t get much attention. This concept and model could also be expanded into a lot of other health issues and potentially help many people.
The app and access to all the sessions is entirely free?