Catalan startup Fashion Pills has re-opened following a fundraising round of more than half a million euros with the help of Barcelona accelerator Intelectium and a group of business angels from the IESE network. Founded in 2011 by Nuria Nicolás and Maxi Urnezius, Fashion Pills is no stranger to the e-commerce game. From June 2011 to July 2013, Fashion Pills grew a … [Read more...]
The Fest-UP Barcelona Hero Sponsors
Fest-UP was Barcelona's first-ever, crowdsourced startup festival - an open platform for the entire Barcelona Startup Ecosystem to share their knowledge, showcase their projects and make new connections within our vibrant entrepreneurial community. All in all, more than 3.000 people attended at least one of the 45 events held in 22 locations across Barcelona - all focused … [Read more...]
The Jobfluent Startup Job Fair Is Back In Barcelona
It's that time of year again. The Jobfluent Startup Job Fair is back next week for their 5th edition in Barcelona. This edition features more than 150 jobs from over 30 organizations in Barcelona - mostly high-growth tech startups. It's a great opportunity to interact directly with the decision makers of these growing companies and entrance for job seekers is free. As … [Read more...]
Spanish Government Admits Error – Removes Limit On Crowdfunding Investments
Spain's growing, but delicate startup ecosystem can breathe a collective sigh of relief as the Spanish government has reversed it's decision to limit the amount of money a professional investor can invest on a crowd-funding platform in Spain. While the rest of the continent is experiencing explosive participation in crowdfunding activity, it seemed for a minute there that … [Read more...]
Why FestUp? – A Subjective Account From The Organisers
When the idea of organising a startup festival in Barcelona first came up, we thought long and hard about the reasons. Why should we get ourselves into such a messy and hard work? Why would anyone participate? What is this thing called an "ecosystem" we are trying to build? Barcelona has wonderful ingredients to become a blooming startup hub of the Mediterranean. A … [Read more...]
7 Tips On How To Manage A Startup Board
MVP, bootstrapping, honing the product, now we’re raising money, hiring a team, managing the accounts, marketing, customer interaction, shit I forgot about the cleaning the office and what, now I have to manage a board of directors? If you decide to take the fundraising route then sooner or later you will have to assume the task of managing a motley crew of board members who … [Read more...]
Startup Weekend Barcelona 2014: How It Went Down
Startup Weekend is a 54-hour beast designed to offer a hands-on, experimental education to technical and non-technical entrepreneurs. It starts on a Friday night with brainstorming, recruiting and splitting up into teams. The rest of the weekend is an all out sprint to create a business plan and make a prototype before the judges show up on Sunday at 5pm. Mentors come and go … [Read more...]
Better Know A Barcelona Startup: Hidden City Tours (@hiddencitytours)
Pop Quiz! What do these 5 people all have in common? Not sure, no problem, I'll give you some hints... #1 They are all accredited Hidden City Tour Guides. #2 They are all educating people like you and I about the many hidden gems within the beautiful city of Barcelona. #3 They are all very handsome gentlemen. However, what you may not … [Read more...]
Heard@ 4YFN: Startups, Wearables & ‘All You Can Eat’ Solutions In Barcelona
The 4 Years From Now (4YFN) event at the Mobile World Congress was all about experiences. Partly due to the popularity surge of the user-experience movement, but it's also related to the process of creating something from nothing. It was clear that the key to innovation is to build upon past achievements while keeping your eyes on the future. I want to touch upon two highlights … [Read more...]
Job Hunting is a Team Effort: Who’s Got Your Back?
“Hello, my name is Blah. I work for Blah and we specialize in Blah. I found your resume on Blah and wanted to speak with you about an open position.” Sound familiar? Sure it does, especially if you are one of the 250 million users on LinkedIn or if your resume is floating in the deep, dark abyss of the Monster’s, Infojobs' or Bayt’s of the internet world. If you have … [Read more...]